Rebaz Waise

Oral Surgeon  DDS

Rebaz Waise  DDS
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About Me

I am passionate about participating in community health centers and free and charitable clinics in Virginia and will continue to participate in the Mission of Mercy program in Virginia. When not working, I spend time with my wife and three children. I enjoy traveling, trying new foods, and being outdoors.

Professional Associations

Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor Society


Harry Lyons Merit Award for Academic Achievement

Volunteer/Service Experience

Community Health Centers, Free and Charitable Clinics

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Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry; Richmond, VA


Schedule with

Rebaz Waise  DDS  

Schedule an appointment with us today to discover the difference of advanced, proven technologies, a full suite of services, and exceptional quality in dental care – all tailored to give you a healthier, happier smile.